Heat Treating and Processing, Tempering

What is Atlantic 33 Non-Tempering Steel?

Atlantic 33 Steel

There are a few places to purchase this Atlantic 33 “non-tempering” steel so I have been getting questions about it over the past couple years. The information is pretty scant and the descriptions are mysterious and confusing to anyone who knows steel [1]. In the advertising it says things like: “Drawing of temper to suit different requirements is unnecessary and completely eliminated.” Also there is no composition listed and the heat treating instructions are very barebones. “Suitable hardness is obtained by merely heating the tool and quenching it in water.” And, “May be heated to almost a melting heat without danger of distortion.” It basically just says to heat treat it however you feel like and skip the tempering. If it’s true that it doesn’t matter how you heat treat that is great, but otherwise it would be nice to know how to best heat treat the steel. read more