Category: Steel Alternatives
Wood Knife that is 3x Sharper than Steel? Spoiler: No
Several people have sent me links to a recent publication about a process that increased the hardness/strength of basswood. They then demonstrated the success of their processing by making a knife and a nail out of the wood. See here for an example of one of these articles:
Sandrin Carbide – What is it?
Thanks to Justin Anthony, Stephen Pastore, David Singer, Chester Dussault, Joseph M. Lewanowicz, Mike Opitz, Murray Fox, and Robert Hatcher for becoming Knife Steel Nerds Patreon supporters!
Cemented Carbide
The Sharpest Youtube Channel in the World
Thanks to Rusty Craig, Dylan Curtis-Reeve, Brendan Porter, and Ian Cox for becoming Knife Steel Nerds Patreon supporters!
Kiwami Japan
A popular Youtube channel called “kiwami japan” includes several videos of making knives out of unusual materials such as jello, pasta, chocolate, etc. The video on making a knife out of cardboard has over 20 million views which means that these videos have reached a broader audience than just knife makers or enthusiasts. As a materials engineer I find the videos interesting from a materials perspective, but they are entertaining in other ways as well. The videos are a bit quirky so I decided to take a dive into these videos and try to figure out what is going on. I also e-mailed the person who makes the videos and he answered a few of my questions. I will refer to him as “Kiwami” for the rest of this article though I know that is not his name. Kiwami means extreme in Japanese.