Category: Tempering
Silicon Additions for Improving Steel Toughness
Thanks to Colin Shannon and Robert Williams for becoming Knife Steel Nerds Patreon supporters!
High Toughness Steels
There are a series of shock resisting steel designed for high toughness (see this article to learn about toughness). A popular one is S7, an air hardening steel that can reach relatively high hardness. Another steel in the “S” series, S5, is reported to be even tougher [1][2][3][4]:
Toughness testing – Cru-Wear, Z-Wear, Upper vs Lower temper, Cryo vs No Cryo
Thanks to Paul Hart and James Covington for becoming Knife Steel Nerds Patreon supporters!
I recently completed some toughness tests on samples that were heat treated by knifemaker Warren Krywko. The steel was donated by Chuck Bybee of Alpha Knife Supply. The samples are subsize unnotched charpy specimens with dimensions as specified on the bottom of this page: If we can get more people to make toughness specimens we can have more comparisons between steels, hardness points, heat treatment parameters, etc. Patreon dollars are for the purpose of paying for machining, shipping, testing, etc. for tests like toughness and CATRA edge retention, so if you are able to contribute that way please visit the Knife Steel Nerds Patreon page.
What Happens During Tempering of Steel?
Thanks to Shawn Houston and Tyler Christian for becoming Knife Steel Nerds Patreon supporters. We have reached our first goal and therefore I will be interviewing Devin Thomas and posting it as an article to the website.
Cru Forge V – Toughness testing, Processing, and Background
Cru Forge V was developed by Crucible for those who forge their steel for knives [1]. It was developed shortly before Crucible’s bankruptcy and is reported to have been tested with the help of knifemakers Howard Clark and Dan Farr and that the code name prior to its official name was 1086V [2]. The steel is not listed anywhere on Crucible’s website and does not appear to be in production any longer, but as of March 2018 is still available from some third party steel sellers [3][4][5]. The steel has the following composition [1]: