Heat Treating and Processing, Toughness

How to Heat Treat K390

You can help support more knife steel research like this by going to Patreon.com/KnifeSteelNerds

K390 Steel and Heat Treating Background

I already have a video and article about the history and properties of K390, which you can see here. K390 is a powder metallurgy non-stainless steel with high wear resistance due to very high vanadium, 9%. It is in a similar category to CPM-10V and Vanadis 8. read more

Austenitizing, Cryo, Damascus, Powder Metallurgy, Steel and Knife Properties

Damasteel Heat Treatment and Properties

Thanks to the new Knife Steel Nerds Patreon supporters! The newly performed research in this article is all paid for through Patreon funds, such as the purchase of expensive Damasteel. Patreon money is only used for knife steel research. Sara Rempelos, Theo N, Christopher Kuehl, Dirk Hoogenbosch, Nick, nats spawnee, Krisztián Szegi, Todd Ellner, Seth V, Jonathan Graham, Ben Secrist, Drew Certain, Scott Armstuts, Ronald Justin Agee, Jim Darnall, Chris G, Farrell K., Bill Behnke, Paige, Luis Hernandez, clockworkfish, Barry Gordon, KarRawr, Ming Lin, Theodore Loach, Matt Bobchin, Flo, J.T. Pouland, Mark Watt, 愷麒 王, and Nickolay Matershev. read more

Austenitizing, Normalizing, Toughness

Knife Steel Metallurgist Juha Perttula

Thanks to the new Knife Steel Nerds Patreon supporters! Steve, Bruce Blake, Michael Glaser, James F Khoury, Paul Horner, and Shane Sibert.


Juha Perttula has a doctorate in metallurgy and he has published several studies in scientific journals on heat treating knife steels. So for this article I want to feature not just an individual study but a person’s work. His studies have focused on traditional bladesmithing, low alloy and carbon steels, and wootz Damascus. He also makes and sells knives which you can read about at his website, juhaperttula.com. Juha’s website also has links to the articles I will be discussing below, and I recommend you read them in addition to my commentary. read more

Heat Treating and Processing

How to Heat Treat 80CrV2

Thank you to all the new supporters on the Knife Steel Nerds Patreon! This type of research in heat treating wouldn’t be possible without all you supporters. Jim Ballard, Distal Steel, Max Vasilatos, Samuel Hicks, Gundam Iupus, Michael Brauer, Luong La, Chris Hancock, Todd Ellner, Brendon Novak, Yannis Hmade, Kyle Daily, Kenneth Proefrock, JRG, Jason Keen, Robert Johnson, Travis, C. Thomas Guething, Kevin Lavery, Zac War, Justin Smith, Jay Mwangi, Kiyoul Park, Luis Maian, Scott Maslowe, HK Knifeworks, James Hunsberger, Nicholas, Bruce Blake, Matthew Hutchinson, FOBOS Knives, Reiff Knives, Raphael Dall’Anese, Jonathan Shook, Tony Garcia, Dean Paxton, Carey A. Buckles, Pops Knife Supply, J. McConnell, and blank blank. read more

Austenitic Stainless, Cold Forging, Corrosion Resistance

H2 Steel – H1 the sequel


A recent Spyderco Byte has announced a replacement for H1 steel – H2. H1 is known for being a very high corrosion resistance steel used primarily in Spyderco’s Salt line of knives. I have a previous article about the design of H1 and how it “works” which you can read here. I am somewhat tempted to re-write large chunks of that article here because H1 is one of the most misunderstood knife steels but I am going to try to hit a few of the highlights without much explanation and I hope you will read the earlier article to understand what I am referring to: read more

Austenitizing, Cryo, Edge Retention, Edge Stability, Hardness, Heat Treating and Processing, Tempering, Toughness

What is the Best Hardness for MagnaCut Knives?

Thanks to the new members of our Knife Steel Nerds Patreon community:

Chris Hancock, Chad Morris, Edward Voss, Liam Gogley, Erik Turner, Nathan Raptis, Nick Dunham, Joe Busic, Will Red Five Forge, Dmitry Kiyatkin, Edward Edmonds, Asinelli, Mattew Reagan, Nate, Dan Barrett, Malachi Chou-Green, Nats Spawnee, McKenzie Kelsay, Jantz Supply, Adam Webb, Brian Baley, Blade HQ, and Mark Demshock. read more